Working towards a cleaner world.
Need innovative food, water and horticultural treatments?

A versatile water treatment solution. Vibrex is a stabilised Chlorine Dioxide Sanitising agent which can be employed in a number of industries to maintain disease free conditions for your water supply.

Vibrex is suitable to be used as a primary water treatment option for common nursery pathogens such as Fusarium, Pythium and Phytophthora as well as controlling bio-film growth.
The versatility of Vibrex also enables uses such as drenching soil beds, foliar treatment and post harvest treatment to protect against all forms of virial, fungal and bacterial germicides.
Vibrex is excellent in Nurseries, Hydroponics, Market gardens & post harvesting – flowers, fruit, vegetables, grapes & mushrooms

Used not just as a broad-spectrum sanitiser, but can be used as for regular water treatment in many industries proving to be an extremely effective antimicrobial.
Unlike other sanitisers, Vibrex will work over a broad pH range regardless of organic and bacterial loadings. This allows it to be used in all forms of water treatment including recycled water.
Enables the protection against all forms of virial, fungal and bacterial germicides. Vibrex is excellent in Breweries, Wineries, Piggeries, Hatcheries and Animal boarding facilities.

Food Processing
Vibrex has proven effective in a number of food based industries with recent developments in wash water sanitation for fruits and vegetables facilitating better quality goods in production with improved shelf life.
Being a wide-spectrum biocide, it is capable of dramatically reducing the bacterial load in water supplies with the added benefit of having simple application with resilience to water conditions such as pH.

Additional Uses
Vibrex has wide variety of other uses such as a disinfectant for hard surfaces and airborne pathogens classed as a non-rinse sanitiser.
Chlorine dioxide being a strong oxidant is also able to facilitate removal of Iron & Magnesium and provide offal protection, boot dips, cooling treatment and sanitise vehicles and machinery.
Vibrex is excellent in Dairies, Meat Rooms, Bottle Plants, Refrigerated areas and other environments.
Want a trial? Order a FREE sample*? T&C’s apply. *(Not available for Biochar and Vibrex)