Control viral and bacterial problems in one application with
Need innovative food, water and horticultural treatments?

Antimicrobial Intervention System – Pig Growing & Breeding Industry
For many years, fresh produce industries have been searching for an effective surface sanitiser that rapidly destroys all types of microorganisms and also provides maximum employee and environmental safety. Likewise, the piggery industry has been seeking a broad-spectrum biocide, with no harmful residuals or long withholding periods.
Vibrex is a colourless, odourless liquid; non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-flammable. It is a wide spectrum bactericide, fungicide, viricide and algaecide, to be used as a disinfectant in many applications involving human and animal consumption foods and beverages.
How does it work?
No other commercial biocide exists which is a “molecular free radical”. Chlorine dioxide has an odd number of electrons and desperately seeks reactants that are electron donors, unlike chlorine, which adds or substitutes a chlorine atom to the reactive substance, hence the term ‘chlorination’. Rather, Vibrex works via oxidisation. This means that Vibrex does not produce chlorinated compounds, and regardless of concentration or contact time, will work immediately.
The reactive mechanism of Vibrex means that organisms cannot build resistance to the active ingredient. Vibrex attacks the microorganism by oxidation of the cellular membrane components, interfering with metabolic function and causing cell destruction.
This, together with the non-formation of carcinogenic chlorination by-products and non build-up of toxic organic or inorganic by-products like bromates gives it the least environmental impact of any biocide in use today.
Application Areas
To be utilised in the treatment of sheds, and all hard surface areas to act as a total surface disinfectant. The destruction of surface bacteria will aid in the prevention and spread of communicable disease.
Daily treatments of dam drinking water will aid in the prevention and spread of water borne viruses and contamination.
Consistent treatment of housing via atomisation will impede the spread of air-borne contaminants and infection whilst remaining harmless to live stock.
Chlorine dioxide is used in mouthwash, toothpaste and other oral hygiene products to prevent infection. Treatment through atmosphere is utilized as a vehicle to act as a ”respiratory tract infection inhibitor”.
The unique action of Vibrex is able to oxidise many offending odours to improve odour levels within and around the piggery.
- Unlike chlorine, organic matter does not inactivate Vibrex rapidly.
- Vibrex is less corrosive than chlorine based products
- Can be fogged, or sprayed into areas
- Removes surface microflora without toxic residues
- Effectively kills spores on contact particularly in water systems
- Destroys many odourous chemicals by oxidation.
- Vibrex does not merely mask the smell.
- THMs (trihalomethanes) and organic chlorines are not formed when using Vibrex
- Low usage rates, easy to handle and safe to use.

Vibrex Antimicrobial Intervention Program
The Key to Product Safety and Quality
Vibrex is the ideal solution that can be applied into all facets of the Antimicrobial Intervention Program due to its flexibility and versatility.
Control viral and bacterial problems in one application with VIBREX AGRICARE.
Sanitation and Disinfection
- Hard surface sanitation of equipment and facilities
- Disinfection of facilities
- Control of airborne pathogens and inoculum
Water Treatment
- Disinfection of incoming and makeup waters
- Sanitation and disinfection of recycled waters
- Removal and control of biofilms in water distribution systems
- Disinfection of wastewater
Product Decontamination
- Reduce microbial loadings on surface of product or produce
- Addition to ice in contact with produce
- Improve shelf life and freshness of product
- Reduce risk from presence of human pathogens
Odour Control
- Capable of reducing many offensive odours
- Eliminate odours by controlling microbial source.
Benefits of Vibrex
- Broad spectrum biocide, effective against all bacteria, fungi, virus, algae and protozoa.
- Effective against spore forming microorganisms
- Effectively controls and removes biofilms
- Low concentration and contact times required
- Classified as a non-rinse food grade sanitiser
- Works over a broad pH range
- Does not form chlorinated by products including THMs
- Minimal effect on biocidal efficacy due to organic loadings
- Easily applied by fogging, spraying, dosing through existing CIP systems
- Non dangerous goods classification
- Biodegradable and safe to the environment
- Negligible corrosivity at recommended rates
- Micro-organisms unable to develop a resistance to the chemical
- Effective against human pathogens including Listeria, Salmonella and E.coli
Want a trial? Order a FREE sample*? T&C’s apply. *(Not available for Biochar and Vibrex)