Over 35 years experience, providing smoke flavour solutions to the food industry

Need innovative food, water and horticultural treatments?


Smoke and smoke flavourings have high anti-microbial properties against bacteria, mould and yeasts.
The various components in smoke can show various properties, but the average composition is very effective.

It is possible to dilute and isolate certain fractions with higher anti-microbial properties and at the same time lower the flavour impact if required. The flavour can be applied externally by atomizing, drenching and spraying or directly into packaging prior to sealing.

Application Rate:

Spraying and Dipping: dilute 50% with water

Atomizing: 100% undiluted

Syringol Antimicrobial

Want a trial? Order a FREE sample*? T&C’s apply. *(Not available for Biochar and Vibrex)